TWO METRES (Stella Kamazón)

My work “DOS METROS” refers to the absence of physical experiences with our peers, from whom we have been forced to maintain a safe distance to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, thereby modifying our social behaviour.

In the light of the challenges we have to deal with, art as a reflection of society has also experienced that distancing, that human emptiness within all the exhibition spaces.

Reflecting on this, this intervention is within the rooms of the Ralli Marbella Museum along with the works on display. In them we seek “no dialogue” within the rooms of the museum and the “non-relationship” between the different pieces of art.

This relationship, both human and artistic, has been darkened during the lockdown period with the non-presence of art-loving visitors who have not been able to personally enjoy museums and galleries in general. That atmosphere of silence and absence is filled with optimism in the form of a small opening with the presence of objects, shoes, placed at a social distance of two metres in front of some of the works and on a surface of glossy red paper, which I use to evoke the human factor in people’s memories.

Project installation

La Kavra art collective

Museum from Home