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Art and social integration workshop

Until 30 April 2022

On the occasion of the exhibition “SEOANE. Portraits” the Museo Ralli Marbella has created the IDENTITY-ES workshop aimed at men and women in vulnerable situations or belonging to groups at risk of social exclusion.

The protagonist of the exhibition, the artist Luis Seoane, represented in his works the regional identity of which he felt part, the Galician identity, however, he did not paint it from Galicia and he was not even born in this community. The feeling of identity is something that goes beyond the place to which we are told we must belong, the social or cultural stratum to which we belong and the social requirements we must fulfil as citizens of one kind or another.

Based on this idea, the aim is to explore oneself, self-knowledge, through the creation of self-portraits using different artistic techniques. In them, participants will be able to express thoughts, emotions and sensations in which they feel identified.

DURATION: 2 hours 30 minutes
Includes a visit to the temporary exhibition “SEOANE. Portraits” of 30 min.


Groups interested in participating can contact us by telephone on 952 85 79 23 or by e-mail at

Silvia Sánchez Ruiz
Workshop coordinator

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