She was born in the capital of Oaxaca in 1956, studying plastic arts at the Benito Juárez Autonomous University, entering when she was 15 years old. She was part of the movement for the creation of the Rufino Tamayo Plastic Arts Workshop, where she studied engraving with Juan Alcázar.
She is a plastic artist whose works are based on the customs and traditions of Oaxaca, but with a feminist vision and speaking up for the role of women both in society and in art.
She exhibits individually in her hometown, as well as collectively inside and outside of Mexico. She has a presence in representative group exhibitions of Oaxacan art such as “Young Art of Oaxaca” (1987, in Mexico City); “Oaxaqueño Art” (at the Coronado Art Gallery, San Diego); “Mexican Painters” (at Stone Press Gallery, Seattle); and the exhibition “Mexican Contemporary Art 1990” (Museum Art Gallery of Houston). She also takes part in exhibitions with a gender perspective within Oaxacan and Mexican art.
Silvia Sánchez Ruiz
Exhibition “Secretos de mujer” at the Headquarters of the State Congress: https://www.e-oaxaca.mx/2015/03/20/expone-la-pintora-irma-guerrero-secretos-de-una-mujer-en-la-sede-del-congreso-del-estado/ [Date of access: 28/08/2019]
Various authors. “Imágenes y colores de Oaxaca”. Exhibition catalogue. Fundación Alejo Peralta, Ed. Debolsillo (Electronic edition: Letra de Nube), 2013. Available at: http://maximinoalessandro.blogspot.com/2018/03/descargar-imagenes-y-colores-de-oaxaca.html [Date of access: 28/08/2019]
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